

The Checkbox component is a widget that allows users to toggle an option on and off.


{{A playground example}}

bool _value = false;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Checkbox(
    value: _value,
    onChanged: (value) {
      setState(() {
        _value = value;
    label: 'Remember me',


valueboolWhether the checkbox is checked.
onChangedValueChanged<bool>?The callback function that is called when the checkbox is tapped.
labelString?The label of the checkbox.
disabledboolWhether the checkbox is disabled.
iconCheckedIconDataThe icon to display when the checkbox is checked.
iconUncheckedIconData?The icon to display when the checkbox is unchecked.
styleCheckboxStyle?The style of the checkbox.
variantsList<Variant>The variants of the checkbox.


As all remix's components, the Checkbox component can be customized using the style and variants properties.

{{A customization example}}

The attributes that can be customized are the following:


This property controls the layout of the checkbox. It corresponds to the FlexSpec class, allowing you to utilize all the style properties available in Flex to customize the checkbox's layout.


This property controls the container that wraps the indicator of the checkbox. It corresponds to the BoxSpec class, allowing you to utilize all the style properties available in Box to customize the checkbox's indicator container.


This property controls the icon of the checkbox. It corresponds to the IconSpec class, allowing you to utilize all the style properties available in StyledIcon to customize the checkbox's indicator icon.


This property controls the label of the checkbox. It corresponds to the TextSpec class, allowing you to utilize all the style properties available in StyledText to customize the checkbox's label.