Creating Context Variants

Creating a Custom Context Variant

Mix allows developers to create custom ContextVariants to apply styles conditionally based on specific conditions. The provided example demonstrates how to create a ContextVariant for web detection using the kIsWeb constant.

Creating a Web-Specific ContextVariant

Here's an example of creating the OnWebVariant class:

class OnWebVariant extends ContextVariant {
  const OnWebVariant();
  bool when(BuildContext context) => kIsWeb;

The OnWebVariant class extends ContextVariant and applies the variant when the application is running on the web platform. The when method uses the kIsWeb constant to determine if the current platform is web.

Extending the OnContextVariantUtility

You can extend the OnContextVariantUtility using an extension:

extension OnContextVariantUtilityX on OnContextVariantUtility {
  OnWebVariant get web => OnWebVariant();

This extension adds a convenience getter to the OnContextVariantUtility class. The web getter returns an instance of the OnWebVariant.

Using the Custom Web ContextVariant

Here's how you can use the custom web ContextVariant in a Mix style:

final style = Style(

The $on.web variant is used to conditionally apply styles when the application is running on the web platform. The web-specific styles will only be applied when the kIsWeb constant is true.

Using BuildContext for Custom Conditions

In addition to using platform-specific constants like kIsWeb, you can also leverage the BuildContext passed during the build of the style to check for custom conditions. This allows you to create more flexible and dynamic ContextVariants based on the state of your application.

For example, you can create a ContextVariant that checks for a specific condition in the BuildContext:

class CustomConditionVariant extends ContextVariant {
  const CustomConditionVariant();
  bool when(BuildContext context) {
    // Check for a custom condition using the BuildContext
    // MediaQuery.of, Theme.of, and other context-based methods can be used here
    return context.findAncestorWidgetOfExactType<MyInheritedWidget>();

By utilizing the BuildContext, you can create more sophisticated and context-aware ContextVariants that adapt to the state and structure of your application.